My Role(S):
Level Designer + Systems Designer + Asset Implementer
Project Information:
This project's goal Is to create an assassination level based around a desert town that allows for replayability, and player agency. There are a total of 4 main routes to take, all including a different level of challenge and available experimentation in patrolled/combat areas.
All art besides the landscape was used from an UE MArketplace kit, as well as a base Ai FPS Kit for enemies. However I Scripted a cover system to work along side the AI and player.

Town Overlook (at Entrance)

Player Start and Controls Tutorial
Unlit and Progress Shots

Town Overview - Unlit

Town Entrence

Main Street

Main Street Mid Section

First Street to East Street

End of First Street

West Path Mid Section

Second Street off of Main Street

Town Center

End of Main Street looking toward Town Center

End of Main Street Facing South

Cover System (Purple Barriers)
Final Images

Town Overlook

Town view from East side

Entire Map Overview

Town Entrance (Main and First Street)

Town Center Overview

West Path Overview

Second Street

West Path Mid Section

West Path looking toward Main Street

Main Street and Second Street view
- Designed town with a mixed-use design philosophy.
- Sculpted landscape of surrounding mountain ranges and a plateau edge.
- Programmed Enemy AI movement using UE blueprinting + behavior trees.
- Designed & programmed Barrier System using designated models.